If you are looking for a new potent THC strain that’s sweet and sticky but won’t leave you feeling like lethargic, Munchies Marshmallow Pie is a must try!
Strain Details:
lemon cherry gelato
banana cream pie
Weight: ⅛ oz.
31.29% thc
*Amounts are averages, individual items may vary.

package size
⅛ oz.
thc cbd
(% up to)
thc ratio
This potent cross bred hybrid produces high levels of THC in every puff. Users note almost immediate effects that are long lasting, relaxing, but not overwhelming. Perfect after a long day or times when you want to relax but still be able to function at your best.
Marshmallow Pie effects
Marshmallow Pie

If you are looking for a new potent THC strain that’s sweet and sticky but won’t leave you feeling like lethargic, Munchies Marshmallow Pie is a must try!