Munchies Cream Pie is one of the sweetest tasting strains we have ever been able to harvest seed to stem. If you believe in love at first toke, then this sweet aromatic flavor of warm bakery pie is where it's at! Underneath its sweet-tasting mocha scent, users pick up on fruity undertones through in a smooth taste.
Strain Details:
banana cream pie
Weight: ⅛ oz.
33.38% thc
*Amounts are averages, individual items may vary.

package size
⅛ oz.
thc cbd
(% up to)
thc ratio
Munchies Cream Pie makes for the perfect body high as users report a surge in creativity, deep meaningful conversations, and the perfect segway for the late night munchies
Cream Pie Pre Roll effects
Cream Pie Pre Roll

Munchies Cream Pie is one of the sweetest tasting strains we have ever been able to harvest seed to stem. If you believe in love at first toke, then this sweet aromatic flavor of warm bakery pie is where it's at! Underneath its sweet-tasting mocha scent, users pick up on fruity undertones through in a smooth taste.